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Dr. Yam Chi Keung

Publisher, Christian Times, Hong Kong

  • PhD (Divinity, specialization in Media and Theology), University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK

  • MPhil (Communication Study), Chinese University of Hong Kong

  • MATS (Christian Social Ethics; New Testament Study), Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, Massachusetts, USA

  • Diploma (English Literature), Hong Kong Baptist College

Dr. Yam is a highly experienced professor and practitioner of various fields at the intersection of media, contemporary culture, and theology.


Dr. Yam Chi Keung currently serves as publisher of Hong Kong's Christian Times, and also plays a couple of roles at the Chinese University of Hong Kong: research associate at the Centre for Christian Studies and adjunct assistant professor at the Divinity School of Chung Chi College. In addition, he is an associate fellow at the Centre for the Study of Religion and Culture in Asia (CSRCA) under the University of Groningen in the Netherlands, where his research specializes on religion and media in East Asia.


Dr. Yam’s expertise in teaching and research focus on the intersection of contemporary Christian theologies, popular media cultures, and sociocultural developments in modern Chinese and East Asian societies. He is particularly interested in variations of implicit religious expressions in Hong Kong's popular media amid the backdrop of socio-political and cultural transitions since the mid-twentieth century. Dr. Yam enjoys studying the challenges faced by religion and humanity arising from the emergence of animality and post-humanity, especially as portrayed in popular media.

Publications: journal articles and book chapters (selected)

2017.  ‘Regarding the Interplay between Media and Religion in Hong Kong.’ in Religion and the Media in China, edited by Stefania Travagnin (London and New York: Routledge), 35-52.


2017.  ‘The Curious Case of Discovering Noah's Ark in Hong Kong.’ in Religion and the Media in China, edited by Stefania Travagnin (London and New York: Routledge), 241-255.


2017.  ‘Bits and Pieces of Web Ecology: Experience and Observations on Online Media’ (網絡生態乜乜乜:對網絡媒體的經驗與觀察), in New People in the Internet Era, edited by Wong Ka-fai with Siu Hoi-man (Hong Kong: Divinity School of Chung Chi College), 94-100 (in Chinese). 


2016.  ‘Unity and Plurality: Reality and Challenges in the Sea Change in Media Ecology’ (合一與多元:媒體生態巨變下的實況與挑戰), in Pastoring in the Time of Political Turbulence, edited by Lam Wing-shu with Siu Hoi-man (Hong Kong: Divinity School of Chung Chi College), 100-114 (in Chinese). 


2015.  ‘Body and Soul under the Politics of Fear’ (恐懼政治下的身體與靈魂), in Our Hope Beneath the Umbrella: A Collection of Christian Articulations on Hong Kong Occupying Movement (舉傘待天明), edited by Law Man Wai et. al. (Hong Kong: Christian Times, Hong Kong Church Renewal Movement and VWLink), 127-132 (in Chinese). 


2014.  ‘Viewing on the Liminal from Media Parables: Toward a Theology of Liminality.’ (從媒體文化的比喻窺探閾中人:閾間神學芻議), in Festschift in Honor of Professor Lo Lung-kwong (人言我為誰乎?盧龍光院長榮休紀念文集), edited by Ying Fuk-tsang et. al. (Hong Kong: Chinese Christian Literature Press), 603-614 (in Chinese).


2013.  ‘What is Being Human? – Rethinking Human Roles and Positions through Rise of the Planet of the Apes and the Ape Film Series’ (人算什麼?— 從《猩凶革命》與猿人電影系列再思人的角色與位置), in Learning Theology While Watching Films (睇電影, 學神學), edited by Douglas Wang (Hong Kong: China Alliance Press) (in Chinese). 


2013.  ‘Contemporary Christianity and the Religiosity of Popular Chinese Cinema’, in Christianity in Contemporary China: Socio-cultural Perspectives, edited by Francis G.K. Lim (London and New York: Routledge), 91-104.


2011.  ‘Ten Thesis on Hong Kong Popular Culture and Hong Kong Youth: Advice to the Church Community’ (關於香港普及文化與青少年的十條命題:給教會群體的提示 ), in Reflection on Pastoral Care for Teenagers, edited by Simon Lee (Hong Kong: Divinity School of Chung Chi College), 31-43 (in Chinese). 


2010.  ‘Inspiring Education for Sustainable Life through Japanese Animation Films of Hayao Miyazaki’, Fragmenta Ioannea Collecta: Special Volume 2010, 71-78 (co-authored with Ching Pui Sun). 


2009.  ‘Projecting Christian Faith on the Hong Kong Screen’, Studies in World Christianity (special issue on World Christianity and World Cinema) 15.2: 113-130.


2009.  ‘A Secular Gospel for the Marginal: Two Recent Films of Stephen Chow as Cinematic Parables for Hong Kong’, in Exploring Religion and the Sacred in the Media Age, edited by Christopher Deacy and Elizabeth Arweck. Surrey: Ashgate, 203-218.


2005.  ‘Engagement in Television by Protestant Christians in Hong Kong.’ Studies in World Christianity 11.1: 87-105.


Publication: Monograph – Nonfiction

2010  My Edinburgh Affairs (我愛丁堡)(Hong Kong: Breakthrough) (in Chinese).

* Winner of the Best New Author Trophy (non-academic category), the 5th Christian Golden Book Award, Hong Kong, 2011.


Publication: Fiction

2017-2019  KPG: The Kingdom, the Power and the Glory – a saga of modern Hong Kong  (in Chinese). 


Media Productions (selected)

2002-2003  The Everlasting Legend (不死傳説) – 6 x half-hour factual program series on contemporary Israel and Palestine (as Executive Producer, Co-director, Writer). 


2001  Windy Days Windy Nights (風的日夜) – feature film (as Executive Producer)


2000  Sweet Sweet Life (甜美生活) – feature film (as Executive Producer).


1997  The Drive Revolution (文化小革命) – 6 x half-hour factual program series on socio-cultural changes in urban China (as Executive Producer, Co-director, Co-writer).

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