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Master of Business Administration


COURSE LIST (42 total credits)

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Year 1

Market Discovery & Analysis

A study and practice of customer development process through market research and data analysis tools and software. The course leads students with a product idea through a process of customer discovery, validation, and creation. The course includes training on data analysis tools and software as well as experiment design. These skills enable the customer development process to be based on researched data.

Innovation & Entrepreneurship

An introduction to the concepts of innovation and entrepreneurship in order to develop an entrepreneurial mindset to identify, evaluate, and act on opportunities. This course introduces methods of innovation, creativity, and idea generation. Students engage in opportunity assessment and identification through the process of rapid prototyping and hypothesis testing of their ideas in the development of a real product idea.

Creating & Leading Effective Organizations

An overview of the leadership skills needed in an entrepreneurial organization and the development of a high performance organization. This course investigates the skills of leadership through influence rather than power and the structures and processes that build effective teams and organizations. Using a combination of case studies, texts, and exercises, this course develops leadership and management principles to build the competencies needed to build effective organizations and cultures. This course also addresses ethical analysis and practically examines how to deal with ethical dilemmas and day-to-day decision-making.

International Opportunities

(Week-long residency: in Europe/Asia)

An international residency that exposes students to international opportunities and the strategies available to enter international markets. The course builds on the understanding of national business environment analysis and international market entry strategies to enable students to understand how to identify or create new business or ministry opportunities. The course also investigates the nature of business ecosystems and its impact on market potential. The course features visits to local ventures to understand the local business environment and see real-world examples of the concepts studied.

Global Business & Economics

A framework for analyzing and understanding the business environment of a nation and an introduction to the economic concepts of international trade and finance. This course studies two dynamics of global business. The first focuses on the interaction between the national policies, regulations, and economy, and their impact on businesses entering a nation whether through FDI or greenfield investments. The goal is to present a framework with which to evaluate any market in today’s constantly shifting global environment. The second presents the concepts of macroeconomics and then topics specific to international economics such as currency, international banking systems and the balance of payments, and trade agreements.

Overview of Christian Theology

An introduction to the major doctrines of the Bible.

Financial Management

A course that explores the theory and practice of financial decision-making in the firm, with emphasis on the practical application of financial decisions. This course is based on the principle that a firm should be managed to increase the wealth of the shareholders. Topics presented are financial management, capital investment decisions, financing decisions, and managing for value creation. This course teaches the concept that the value of the firm must be evaluated in terms of the sequencing and amount of cash flow generated.

Year 2

Business Economics & Metrics

An overview of the concepts of managerial economics and managerial accounting. This course introduces two streams relevant to strategic decision-making and business management. The first stream covers topics of managerial economics, including the areas of marginal analysis, strategic decision-making, pricing, and organizational design. The second stream covers topics of managerial accounting such as activity-based costing, break-even analysis, and non-financial performance metrics.

Strategy & Operations Implementation

An overview of the concepts of strategy and strategic industry analysis, and the consistent implementation of the strategy through the firm’s operations. The course presents tools and concepts needed to evaluate and identify a strategy to capture a target market based on firm and industry analysis, resources and capabilities, and opportunities in the market. The course focuses on the tools needed for the development of an integrated market strategy for the firm and relates that to the firm’s value chain and operational design. The course also covers concepts of operations and how operations enhances organizational performance.

Entrepreneurial Sales & Communications

A practical course on the skills needed to communicate effectively in business transactional scenarios, whether in sales, investor pitches, or negotiations. This course presents the principles of communication in various situations, the problem solving skills needed, and then provides the student with opportunities to practice and develop communication skills through simulations.

Industry Disruptors & Startups
(Week-long residency: in US)

An investigation of the nature of business disruptors and the use of this understanding to develop a strategy for building a successful venture. The residency provides students with the opportunity to visit new entrepreneurial ventures, as well as large corporations, to gain insights into the business complexities of starting a business in a competitive environment and understand the strategies of startup companies. The course also incorporates case studies for discussion and exploration of successful startups, the factors that contributed to their success, and how to lead organizations through challenges a firm may face.

Capstone: International Entrepreneurship

A final capstone course requiring students to utilize the skills and knowledge gained throughout the program to create a new business venture or new product for an existing company. Students work in teams, using their business knowledge and research skills to work through a framework that validates the economic viability of the venture or product idea. The teams prepare presentations and investor pitches as if they were raising investment capital.

Theology of Business and Leadership

A course which integrates Christian theological reflection with the principles, practices, and theory of business and leadership. The examination of theological truths is specifically applied to situations that arise from the context of the workplace. Special attention is given to business as missions (BAM) and social entrepreneurship.

Legal Environment of Business

A course that explores and examines effective strategies and management approaches designed to avoid negative implications, minimize liability, and control exposure to legal risk. Discussions include contracts, employment law, mergers and acquisitions, real estate, intellectual property, and the ethical dilemmas facing organizations.

The above program schedule is intended to be used as reference only for prospective students.

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