每月好書介紹! 我們每一個月都會從館藏書籍中,精選一本為你推介。是月推介好書是:
Introducing: Book of the Month! 📗
Each month, we will feature a book from the Lumina College Library handpicked by our librarian. Our first Book of the Month is:
書名: 青少年牧者潘霍華 (Bonhoeffer as Youth Worker: A Theological Vision for Discipleship and Life Together)
作者:路恩哲 (Andrew Root)
簡介: 二十世紀最廣為人知的神學家,或許最不為人熟悉的一面!也許我們曾聽聞他是神學家、特務、殉道者,但遺忘了他其實首先是一名牧師,而且是專責青少年牧養的牧者。
作者介紹: 路恩哲(Andrew Root)
普林斯頓神學院哲學博士,明尼蘇達州路德神學院卡莉.奧臣.巴爾臣青年及家庭事工教席教授,著有多本跟神學、文化與青少年牧養相關之書籍,包括《每個孩子都是神學家:青少年事工的神學實踐》(與丁康黛合著)、《第3次牧養革命:關係式牧養的更新與再思》、Exploding stars, Dead Dinosaurs, and Zombies: Youth Ministry in the Age of Science、Faith Formation in a Secular Age、The Children of Divorce、Christopraxis: A Practical Theology of the Cross等。
To check out this book, and the thousands of other books in our library, we welcome you to join our community of lifelong learners.