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向三個國家學習:「解殖與強勢管治」研討會 Learning from three countries: decolonization and authoritarian rule




  • Dr. Melba Maggay: Founder and director of the Institute for Studies in Asian Church and Culture. PhD in Philippine Studies, MA in English Literature, first degree in Mass Communication.

  • 曾育彪博士: 突破匯動青年研究總監,從事科技教育、移民研究和領袖培訓,曾任教香港中文大學。哈佛大學人類發展和心理學博士、哥頓康威爾神學院輔導心理學碩士、維州理工學院機械工程碩士。

  • 黃伯農博士: 英國巴斯大學政治、語言與國際研究學系副教授,《萬隆:球南學報》編輯。牛津大學聖安東尼學院社會及文化人類學哲學博士、社會人類學哲學碩士、倫敦政治經濟學院社會學理學碩士、香港城市大學社會工作學士。


I. Philippines (菲律賓): Days Under Authoritarian Rule and Martial Law — Dr. Melba Maggay

  • How do we live under authoritarian rule? (在政治強權之下怎樣生活?)

  • How do we find space for expression? (怎樣保持表達空間?)

  • What does self-determination mean when foreign forces intervene? (外國勢力介入怎樣自決?)

Excerpts from her talk on subverting structures:

"The Bible’s metaphors on what the church is about — salt, light, yeast — suggest that to give flavor and preserve the best of our cultures, to bring light to people who are in darkness, to penetrate the workings of a system like yeast so that the dough rises, transforming a lump of flour into life-giving bread — needs only a small minority.

In this sense we are not so much revolutionaries — tearing things down so we can build our own vision of what society should be — but subversives, deep penetration agents who go softly, not attracting attention to ourselves, but quietly influence and transform our spheres of competence and responsibility. This is consistent with the way the Lord Jesus went about his messianic task: “He will not argue or shout, or make speeches in the streets. He will not break off a bent reed, nor put out a flickering lamp. He will persist until he causes justice to triumph, and on him all peoples will put their hope.” (Matthew 12:19–21)"

On changing the narrative:

"Today we live in a media-saturated social environment. Much of what we think and feel is now shaped by anonymous authorities behind news rooms and computer terminals. When Paul talked of the ‘prince of the power of the air’ in Ephesians 2, this refers in our time to those myth-makers who conjure a shadowy world of images that are untrue.

It is not enough to critique the culture around us; we must create culture, new metanarratives, a new social imaginary that engages the imagination of our people."


II. 加納 (Ghana): 解殖身份與非洲精神 — 曾育彪博士

  • 解殖是怎樣的一個過程?

  • 解殖的身份有何元素?

  • 什麼是非洲精神與故事?

曾育彪博士分享了夸梅·恩克魯瑪 (Kwame Nkrumah) 的故事,夸梅怎樣在1957年帶領英屬黃金海岸獨立,成為首任加納總理及加納總統。曾博士探討解殖是怎樣的一個過程,解殖的身份有何元素, 並且分享了什麼是泛非主義 。


III. 黎巴嫩 (Lebanon): 國家安全的經驗 — 黃伯農博士 (文章)

  • 黎巴嫩與香港有何相似?

  • 黎巴嫩是世界的政治的角力埸?


"跟後殖民香港相似,1946年脫離法國殖民統治的黎巴嫩是中東地區的政治陰謀、間諜和地下運動中心。這是因為黎巴嫩的政治中立性讓她成為了蘇聯和東歐共產政權在中東的外交和貿易中心。她對不同政治意識形態的高容忍度使她成為阿拉伯民族主義者的避難所。她的宗教多元性容納了不同基督教和伊斯蘭教派。跟香港一樣,後殖民黎巴嫩是一個政治多元和宗教包容的東西文化滙合點,也成為了國際角力場和「間諜天堂」。 ......





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